Monday, June 7, 2010


AS A PROCESS...  by Alan C Walter

A dual Hoo’ pono pono session requires that both participants, each individually look within themselves to observe and permeate that part of you that is contributing to creating the condition of someone or something and then healing that creation. There are 9 steps to doing dual Hoo’ pono pono:

1. Noticing the non- optimum or omitted condition or situation you are connected to.

2. Name the non- optimum or omitted condition or situation you are connected to

3. Ask: “Is there anything you are doing that is contributing to or agreeing to that (Named non- optimum or omitted condition or situation)

4. Usually what comes to view is an area of resistance – a massy, low mood level condition or situation.

5. Have partner tell you about it to open it up. Ask: “Tell me about it?”

6. Have partner permeate it with love! Ask: “Permeate the (Resist point) with love?” Step 6 the permeation step will go all over the place, just repeat the “permeate and love” commands and it will unravel. It may go into many different forms, many different combinations of mutual co-creations of the non-optimum conditions or situations. It will nearly always go back to past lives. Though you want what the being is doing in present time that is contributing to the PT condition. Almost through all of the session, you and your partner will run it from present time. A lot of hate will come to view as you permeate with love, just keep permeating.

7. Partner does steps 2 to 6 on you to a win.

8. Ask partner: Is there anything else you are doing that is contributing to or agreeing to that (Named non- optimum or omitted condition or situation)

9. Repeat above steps over and over to a completion and a big win.